On Fri, 8 Aug 2003, James Pifer wrote:

> Thanks. That's seems to have worked. I was able to blank a cdrw.
> James
> On Fri, 2003-08-08 at 14:02, John P Verel wrote:
> > On 08/08/03 13:20 -0400, James Pifer wrote:
> > > Hi. I have a CDRW drive on RH8. Been working great for quite some time.
> > > I usually use the webmin interface(I believe just makes calls to
> > > cdrecord) to burn my CDs. I couple weeks ago I tried to burn a CD and
> > > the system kept locking up part way through the burn. I assumed it was
> > > something with the structure I was trying to burn and didn't have toime
> > > to troubleshoot at the time.
> > >
> > > I had not used it since then and tried to blank a cdrw today with:
> > > cdrecord blank=fast dev=0,1,0
> > >
> > > Same thing. After 30 seconds or so the monitor goes blank and the CAPS
> > > and SCROLL lights on my keyboard start flashing. System is not
> > > accessible either on the console or from other machines. I don't see
> > > much in the message log around the time of the crash. I believe these
> > > are the relevant lines:
> > > Aug  8 11:40:04 tweety kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout :
> > > pid 56316753, scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 0 Request Sense 00 00 00 40 00
> > > Aug  8 11:40:34 tweety kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout :
> > > pid 56317186, scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 0 Test Unit Ready 00 00 00 00
> > > 00
> > > Aug  8 11:45:47 tweety syslogd 1.4.1: restart.
> >
> > I had exactly these symptoms. This is kernel panic.  I'm imagining
> > you're running RH9, with the version of cdrecord that came with it (I
> > don't remember).  Upgrade to cdrecord-2.0-11.1, on rpmfind and be sure
> > to run cdrecord with the 'dao' option.

I too had these same weird symptoms -- complete with the locking CAPS and
SCROLL keys -- on my system running RH8, and have been unable to get past

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