I have been told that pcAnywhere express will run under Netscape in Linux, but
the package I downloaded was aimed at a DOS machine (lots of DLL's, EXE's and
other bullshit like that) so needless to say it didn't work for me.  It should
though; the whole point of Java is not to care which machine it runs on; but
the install programs from Symantec were worthless.

There is a set of programs called VNC that is supposed to be able to pipe a
desktop to or from a Linux or NT box no matter where the client machine is.  I
haven't been able to get that to work either but I'm an Xwindows moron.  You
might have better luck.  I've been looking through the README file for the
package I have, and there's no address for where to get the latest version, so
if you can't find it mail me and I'll post or mail you the tarballs.

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