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Can anyone help me get these services running?  The symptoms are that, I
can get NIS to authenticate the user, but autofs isn't working
correctly, because the users' home directories are mounted as read only
file systems.

Here's what I've done so far:

on the server I have a line in /etc/exports like this:
/home (rw)

which I THINK exports the home directory as read/write for all clients
in my subnet.  On the clients I have an /etc/auto.master file with one
line in it:

/home /etc/auto.home --timeout 60

and I have the /etc/auto.home file with this line in it:

* -rw,soft,intr stretch:/home/&

where "stretch" is the name of the NIS server.

NFS and autofs seem to be working on the client, because other exported
file systems from the server are there and properly accessible and
/home's contents are the home directories on the server, they're just
mounted as read only.

I'll admit to being pretty darn puzzled -- well, OK darn angry...

any help would be greatly appreciated.

thanks in advance,

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