I had a look on our mail server syslog before

And here is a snippit from when I connect


Aug 14 10:26:43 bsfc ipop3d[25180]: [ID 806292 mail.debug] pop3 service
init from Aug 14 10:26:43 bsfc ipop3d[25180]: [ID 868162
mail.info] Login user=johns host=webadmin.bsfc.ac.uk []
nmsgs=1/1 Aug 14 10:26:44 bsfc ipop3d[25180]: [ID 124204 mail.info]
Logout user=johns host=webadmin.bsfc.ac.uk [] nmsgs=1
ndele=0 Aug 14 10:26:49 bsfc ipop3d[25181]: [ID 806292 mail.debug] pop3
service init from Aug 14 10:26:49 bsfc ipop3d[25181]: [ID
868162 mail.info] Login user=johns host=webadmin.bsfc.ac.uk
[] nmsgs=1/1 Aug 14 10:26:50 bsfc ipop3d[25181]: [ID
124204 mail.info] Logout user=johns host=webadmin.bsfc.ac.uk
[] nmsgs=0 ndele=1


When a user connects

Aug 14 10:41:53 bsfc ipop3d[25301]: [ID 806292 mail.debug] pop3 service
init from Aug 14 10:41:53 bsfc ipop3d[25339]: [ID 806292
mail.debug] pop3 service init from Aug 14 10:41:53 bsfc
ipop3d[25340]: [ID 806292 mail.debug] pop3 service init from Aug 14 10:44:13 bsfc ipop3d[25301]: [ID 868162 mail.info]
Login user=webadmin host=[] nmsgs=0/0 Aug 14 10:44:13 bsfc
ipop3d[25301]: [ID 124204 mail.info] Logout user=webadmin
host=[] nmsgs=0 ndele=0

So it is literally taking 3 minutes to connect and authorise itself to
the server, however my connection (external) authenticats in a few

Also, I have just had an idea, the other week I had to modify the
/etc/services file on one of our servers to allow a certain port to
talk, I have just looked in our /etc/services files and port 135/udp is
not listetd, here is what is listed around the 130-140 mark for udp.

--------snippit from /etc/services--------

netbios-ns      137/tcp                         # NETBIOS Name Service
netbios-ns      137/udp
netbios-dgm     138/tcp                         # NETBIOS Datagram
netbios-dgm     138/udp
netbios-ssn     139/tcp                         # NETBIOS session
netbios-ssn     139/udp

--------end snippit--------

Could it be the case that I need to add in 135/udp into the
/etc/services file?

John Paul Szkudlapski (Web Manager)
Computer Services - BSFC
t: +44 151 651 3720
f: +44 151 653 4419
m: +44 780 154 2033
w: http://hermes.bsfc.ac.uk

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