At 02:27 PM 4/20/98 -0400, you wrote:

>       Quick question this time:  When I installed RH 4.2, I didn't specify
>any memory, but the system I installed onto has 128MB RAM.  When I did a
>"free", I get a Mem of 63204 and a Swap of 102812.  Am I missing something
>here?  Do I have to set something to utilize all of my RAM?  


  Use your favorite editor; in /etc/lilo.conf put this line at the bottom
of the linux kernel stanza:


Some folks advocate using only 127M, but I can't comment on that.

  Then, run /sbin/lilo to rebuild lilo. For the change to take effect,
shutdown -r now and reboot into linux.  When you do free you'll see all of
your RAM there.


Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.
2404 SW 22nd Street
Troutdale, OR 97060-1247 USA
(503) 667-4517 | (503) 667-8863 - fax

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