At 11:18 AM 8/16/2003, David Hart, had this to say :

We're pretty committed to Postfix but I never considered Exim. Any
comments? Can anyone tell me how this compares to Postfix? I looked at
the Exim docs. It's hard to appreciate the comparative complexity
without actually installing and configuring.

My ISP (whom I do phone line technical support) has used Exim for over 3 years now. We do well over 10GB of e-mail per day. The mailserver handles mail delivery as well as spam filtering, virus scanning a user filters! I do not know the hardware configuration but I suspect it is close to a 1GHz or so with at least 512MB of RAM.

Based on my employer using Exim, I installed it at home in RHL 6.x via RPM with no issues, but by 7.x, I started to "roll my own" via the source.


R. McFarlane

cross platform specialist
Mac - Linux - windows

McFarlane Computing
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