> Some of you display astonishing ingenuity at finding solutions to the
> most arcane problems.
> Our RT314 log is routed to one machine and prints to "messages" with the
> "r"option. Using a tail I can get an idea of what's going on. It would
> really help if I could get domain name resolution.
> Before I resort to trying to write a script to parse the data, I thought
> I would see if I might be overlooking a simpler solution.
> Any ideas? Thanks.

I'm not sure I understand your problem but here it goes:

"man syslogd" shows

-x     Disable name  lookups  when  receiving  remote  messages.

If your syslog is not resolving IPs to names, could it be running
with -x flag ? Also check your /etc/sysconfig/syslog.

Hope this helps

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