> hello,
> I just finished reading the Printing HOWTO and searching Usenet for an
> answer to this question. Needless to say, I did not find a suitable answer.
> Is there anyone out there that is successfully printing from a Linux box to
> a shared Mac printer?


> I examined the Netatalk docs and they don't offer this
> service, in fact I can find no mention of any product that offers this
> service.

Contrair - it's there, somewhere.  I think the trick is to look in the pap (1)
man page.  To make the story short, you'll pretty much want a .paprc file in
which ever direcotry you're printing from, and pipe in anything you want to
print into pap.  Personally, I used the recommendations in the pap (1) and psf
(8) pages to set up an LPd queue.  The gist is, you add something like:

laser|lp|LaserWriter 4/600 on AppleTalk:\

to your /etc/printcap database.  And, in /var/spool/lpd/lp (or whatever queue
you want) you add this file:

LaserWriter 4/600 PS:LaserWriter@*

to a file called .paprc.  If you use the RPM distribution of NetAtalk, and
assuming you already know how to manage print queues, I've found this to be
flawless and endlessly useful.  The only change you'd need to make is the name
of your printer (as opposed to LaserWriter 4/600) and perhaps the print queue
you use.

> Any help would be greatly appreciated. It really, really would!

You're welcome :-)


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