On 21 Aug 2003, John Rehmert wrote:

> On Wed, 2003-08-20 at 23:45, Didier Casse wrote:
> > > Excuse my french, but you're an idiot.  It's attitudes like this that
> > > keep companies from releasing software for the Linux platform.  Like it
> > > or not, there is a place for both free and proprietary software (unless
> > > you're RMS).  Never forget, the GPL is all about "free as in speech, not
> > > as in beer".  You're not guaranteed anything for free (as in dollars). 
> > > You're simply leeching on the hard work of others.
> > 
> > 
> > Up to now, I've use 100% free software on Linux (Even my Linux was given
> > to me freely!) and I do not have any complains to make. I've also
> > contributed to code on Linux for various stuff and have offered it FREELY
> > for the benefit of the community.
> > 
> Refresh my memory...  Didn't you start this thread by COMPLAINING???

Was I? Learn to read English dude. Another one who can't be nice!

> > 
> > > I've personally paid for both the Codeweavers Plugin and Office
> > > products.  Their stuff works great and their support is *excellent*.  I
> > > only wish that all the other proprietary companies out there could
> > > support their stuff like Codeweavers does.
> > > 
> > 
> > Paying for that??!?! You're the one who's a total fool. It's ridiculous
> > having to pay for that. And without adding to the fact that you're paying
> > MS Office too!!! What the heck are you doing in this redhat list? You're
> > on the wrong list pal. 
> Codeweavers Crossover Office is not synonymous with Microsoft Office. 
> Crossover Office is a highly customized implementation of wine and some
> of us (a lot of us, as a matter of fact) are still required by our
> employers to be able to run MS applications (i.e. Outlook, Word,
> Powerpoint, etc.)  Plus, I haven't found a sufficient replacement for
> Macromedia Dreamweaver MX yet on Linux.  So I'm using Crossover Office
> for that, as well.

Outlook can be replaced by Ximian evolution and some nicely configured
pine.  Word by LaTeX or if you prefer you can use open office. Same goes
for powerpoint.

If you tell me that you use Codeweaver's wine for Dreamweaver MX, it's ok.
I can understand that. But I simply do not want to pay for it! I would
prefer installing Dreamweaver on a Windows platform. It's my own choice.

Anyway I have all MS products free here in the University. This Uni pays
Microsoft a hell lot of money each year to have their products. The whole
computer system is Windoze driven. I'm one of the odd ones using Linux.

So in my case it makes no sense paying for a codeweavers plugin. But I do
like "wine". Simply because a lot of people have put some effort in it and
they're willing to give the source code away! That's a nice spirit.

Which is not the same thing for Codeweavers!  

I like things/software made freely and for others to benefit
from. Ok? Can't help it if you disagree with
I like when it's a sharing environment and we all contribute towards

> > 
> > Anyway I do not use MS Office cause it cranky. I use FREE LaTeX for
> > typsetting which Knuth donated FREELY, and my
> > own slidepro software for Presentations. As for the rest I've
> > more efficient substitutes. This is the real Philosophy you stupid ass.
> > You're hooked to MS products and your plugin that you bought is another
> > way of showing that you can't use real pure LINUX software and that you
> > still really on those weak software.
> > 
> More power to you, if you have the ability to completely get away from
> using MS products, but that doesn't mean that other people - who mainly
> use Linux w/ open source apps - are somehow impure.  It's just simply
> that we have no choice, for one reason or another - whether it be an
> employer requirement, the lack of familiarity with open source
> equivalents, or that there are no compatible/suitable open source apps.

I never disagreed with that. I have no choice too when I have to run
AutoCAD. The functions I used in AutoCAD, well there are no substitutes in
Linux. You can tell me why I don't use VariCAD, LinuxCAD, QCAD or whatever
CAD. I've used them all but the functions I used, well only AutoCAD rocks!
I'm forced to use it on Windows. 

Codeweavers plugin do not run AutoCAD 2002/3 also btw.  

If a Windows emulator is free i would like to have it. Like "wine", I've 
the latest rpm on my box! If it's not free,
then I might as well buy Windows in place of buying this since
it would be able to run all the windoze apps. (doesn't mean
that I'll buy Windows!)

Let's face it, a Windows emulator will *always* at a every point of time
be inferior to the current Windows and not be able to run all the growing
apps in Windows. So that is why it does not make sense to buy the
Codeweavers stuff.  

This is my sole opinion. There are also a lot of other people who share
the same thoughts as I. If you want to disagree, you disagree
respectfully. If someone is vegeterian, it's his own choice, you do not
bully the poor guy and tell him that it's stupid not eating the juicy
meat and force him eating the meat. That's his choice, you might disagree
but you don't kick his ###.

I like Linux because it has a lot of free tools and a lot of code is being
given freely to the community plus I enjoyed a lot of free and
powerfull software in it. It's a nice feeling that some people care that
you can use this and that and without thinking of making profit out of it. 

Some people choose not to disclose their own source code on Linux and
that's their own problem. But as far as I'm concerned, there are some
software I would not buy for Linux because the initial spirit of Linux was
to be an OPEN SOURCE system. This is MY CHOICE. I know this is not yours
and you have different conceptions of Linux! Please respect mine

This is suppose to be a nice mailing list where we share knowledge and
experience and help others. Not flame others. So please let's end this
discussion and respects each others opinion. :-) Ok everybody? 



PhD student

Singapore Synchrotron Light Source (SSLS)
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