Abdussamad Abdurrazzaq wrote:

Hello everybody

I am a linux newbie. I installed RH 6.0  on my Acer travelmate 528TE
laptop. The laptop comes with the ATI Mobility Rage 8mb graphics chip.
The problem I have is that my version of X does not support this chip
and so I get a corrupted display. I have tried updating X from the
redhat site but the version of X available for upgrade is too old. How
do I upgrade X? Is it
possible to just install support for my VGA chip without upgrading X?
ATI does not offer linux drivers for this chip. Getting a newer distro
is NOT an option for me. Please help.

I have the following version of x: ,release date jan 4 1999.



Well (since using a newer distro is out of the question) you have a lot of hard work ahead of you.

I would suggest that you download the X source rpms from redhat 6.2
and recompile them on your machine and see if that fixes the problem

If it does not, then you will have to try downloading the X source RPMS
from 7.0 or 7.1 and try that. You may find that you will have to upgrade many core things on the system (such as the kernel, the glibc,
and so on) in order to upgrade X, it might be easier to simply
upgrade the distro than it is to try to backport all these patches.

This is why there are different versions of the OS with different
channels of RPM packages.  If it were easy to upgrade one part of the
system without upgrading other parts (which in turn affect yet more)
then there would just be one release of RedHat Linux and an endless
stream of updates.


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