On 12:39 22 Aug 2003, Marcos de Souza Trazzini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > | Well, in order to use chkconfig utility to add the script to bootup, the
| > | script must have some entries in the header [...]
| > | There's another way to do this. You must create a symbolic link from the
| > | /etc/init.d/scriptname to /etc/rcX.d/SNNscriptname, [...]
| > Or you can do what I've done to my laptop [...]
| >     http://www.cskk.ezoshosting.com/cs/css/index.html#rc.mobile [...]
| > Afterwards you don't need to fiddle with chkconfig or those
| > SXXservice/KXXservice symlinks.
| Well... interesting your script.... but you can try "sistem
| I don't understand the intention of your phrase:
| "WARNING: be sure you understand how the current system works _first_.
| So do it the chkconfig/symlink way _first_ if you've never dealt with
| this before."

Merely that you (or anyone) should have a good understanding of how the
startup scripts work before abandoning the installed setup in favour of
something else. Since you seem to understand it, no worries!

| Take a example:
| - First, create a script in /etc/init.d. (scriptname in this example).
| - Edit the script, then add to the first lines of the script these lines
| (With the comment # !!!):
|   # chkconfig: 2345 11 90
|   # Description: A shot description for the script

It's this that bothers me. It is annoying to need to edit the startup
script - it makes upgrades annoying to, for the edit needs repeating. It
is annoying to decide on an abitrary startup/shutdown order (the 11 and
90). It is annoying to have to name the runlevels for which this script
will be active.

I find the rc.mobile approach
        - avoids runlevels because you get to give things meaningful names
          instead of these numbers, and abitrarily many
        - doesn't require _any_ editing of the startup script, meaning
          it keeps out of the way of the package
        - it runs most things in parallel, unlike the stock startup that
          runs everything in sequence, even though many do not depend upon
          each other

| - Remember: "Don't symlink anything by hand, don't need !!! And now,
| simple run the command "chkconfig --add scriptname" to auto-create the
| symlinks S11scriptname/K90scriptname under /etc/rc.d tree, according the
| runlevels in the chkconfig line. Check the results with the command "
| find /etc/rc.d/ -name *scriptname*"
| You see.... is very simple to menage startup scripts.


| In chkconfig line at the script, the first numeric value points to the
| runlevels what the script runs at bootup, the second is the priority
| value at bootup, and the third are the priority level when shutdown the
| actual runlevel.
| Say me in what I'm wrong....

Nothing you say is wrong. Chkconfig is fairly straightforward.
I just prefer my solution.

The particular need that drove me to write it was roaming laptops,
of which I have one and we have several at my workplace. We need to be
able to set them up with suitable configurations and startup for several
different locations eg home, work LAN, work wireless net, an arbitrary
foreign DHCP network, completely offline. We've looked at using runlevels
for this (eg runlevel 4 for offsite etc) but it doesn't work well at all.

Since we needed something more expressive and flexible and because
the extremely slowness of the startup scripts, run in series, was very
frustrating I wrote rc.mobile.

Cameron Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> DoD#743

I doubt that people abuse themselves with MSDOS to prove their reproductive
fitness.        - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Trif)

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