On 23 Aug 2003, Jason Dixon wrote:

> On Sat, 2003-08-23 at 10:31, Reuben D. Budiardja wrote:
> I've seen multiple exploits that use the DEADBEEF string as part of the
> request.  These range from Apache/win32 chunking attacks to PGP exploits
> to formmail exploits.  The first thing I'd suggest is putting a firewall
> up (if you don't already) and blocking that client IP.  Next, I'd make
> sure your box is sufficiently patched against all known exploits for the
> software you're running that is exposed to the Internet.  Third, I'd
> send an email to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" informing them of this
> attempted intrustion.  Since this is a foreign block, you're not going
> to have much luck escalating it to an upstream provider, since it looks
> like datapark.ch provides it's own core connectivity.
> There are a lot of different things to do/consider.  Regardless, your
> best course is to simply ensure that your systems are patched and not
> exploitable.

I've had so many break in attempts from the far east that I started 
blocking entire nets (ie  The last one was from an elementary 
school somewhere in a town in China that I'd never heard of.  I complained 
to the admin and then all hell broke loose.  I think I became the target 
for every script kiddie over there.  I assume the admin was the leader of 
the pack???

Blocking entire nets really quieted things down a lot!


"The lyfe so short, the craft so long to learne"  Chaucer

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