I have a Tribes 2 server running on my RH 7.2 system and I have a simple
startup script that brings the game server up.  The game creates a hidden
.loki folder in my users home directory which contains all of the game
settings.  Within this folder are hundreds of .dso files that are compiled
on game startup.  When I make changes to the games configs all of these .dso
files have to be deleted and recompiled by the game for my changes to take

Is there a simple one or two line series of commands I can use in my startup
script to traverse my .loki directory and all subdirectories to locate and
delete these files?  I'm a bit noobish and all I know to do is a bunch of cd
and rm commands to do this.  I know it can be done with a creative one
liner...  Anyone get my drift?


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