Hey everyone, I'm still trying to chase down an issue which seems to be
plaguing me.  I've seen the issue in RH8, and now in RH9.  Basically, I want
to allow users to work with a larger soft and hard limit on their number
open files available (ulimit -nS and ulimit -nH).  This was simple to do in
RH7.3, but something has changed in 8 and 9 which has made it not work by
pervious instructions.  Here's the settings that seemed to work in 7.3 to
change the nofiles parameter of ulimit to higher values:

In /etc/security/limits.conf you add the higher limits for both hard and
soft limits:

*     soft    nofile          10240
*     hard    nofile          65536

In /etc/pam.d/login you add the following to add to pam support:

session    required     /lib/security/pam_limits.so

Now, unfortunately, it does work if you su - to root, then su - to the user,
but you must give the user sudo su to do that, and they won't su - back to
themselves in most cases.  

Was there any specific changes in PAM in 8 and 9 which may effect this?
Anyone else run into this?  


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