On Mon, Aug 25, 2003 at 02:04:09PM -0000, anil  garrepally wrote:
> Hi All,

> I am having problem with IPv6 in RHL 8.0.Defaltly,when i used 
> ifconfig for inet6 it gave an error " No support for inet6" . 
> After that in 'menuconfig' i selected ipv6 module support,did 
> 'make'.But while 'make install' it gave some error.So i used 
> 'insmod' to insert ipv6.0 module,whcih came after make.

        Geeze...  All that pucking around...

        Use a STOCK kernel!  It's there!  All you have to do is enable
it in the configs.  You are trying TOO DAMN HARD.

        Assuming that all you want to do is add a leaf node and
that you have a router advertising itself on that network segment...

        Add the following line to /etc/sysconfig/network :


        Add the following line to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 :


        Run "service network restart".

        Done deal (you might want to restart ssh and/or xinetd if you want
to support those services on IPv6)...

        Now, if you want to configurat 6to4 tunnels or SIT tunnels or
you want the damn thing to act as a router or advertise itself or you
DON'T have an advertising router on that network segment, it gets more
complicated.  But the simple shit is REALLY SIMPLE (if you don't insist
on going through menu's and gui's, which I don't).

> Now the ifconfig is accepting inet6 configuration and able to 
> ping6 to the self address. I had a BSD 4.3 pc,in which ipv6 is 
> working fine. When i ping6 from BSD to RHL 8.0 it gave responses 
> to ping requests.But vice-versa is not happening. After saying 
> ping6 from RHL 8.0 to the BSD machine,it is giving this error 
> "icmp socket bind error" and control prompt is coming back. And at 
> the same time i observed that telnet to BSD server is happening 
> fine from linux pc.

> Can any one solve this problem? please suggest me, so that i can 
> use RHL 8.0 effectively for IPv6 applications.

        I've got RedHat 7.*, 8.0, and 9 on a /48 with several dozen
/64 subnets and Linux routers all happily connected up.  It's not a
problem, even if it's not particularly obvious and even if RedHat has
managed to dick up several things (like static routes and lack of IPv6
support in PPP) along the way.

        My IPv6-only (no associated IPv4 address) virtual web server, if
anyone wants to ping it or test their IPv6 connection:


> Thanks,
>    Anil.

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