On Thu, 2003-08-07 at 19:23, Thomas E. Dukes wrote:
> > Not all memory work in all machines.  The 128 you added maybe 
> > wrong for your machine.  Parity, no parity, oem,...etc. Check 
> > with the manufacturer to see what kind of memory you need
> True.  They were closed when I got home this evening.  I plan on calling
> them tomorrow.  It came from PC Boost.  It's the Atlas Precision memory
> that is supposed to be "guaranteed" to work with my motherboard.  :-)

You may want to consider installing memtest86.  It can run through LILO
or GRUB at boot time and can do very thorough RAM testing.


They even seem to have an ISO image to burn a self-booting CD for memory
testing.  I think I was able to get an RPM through freshrpms.

Highly recommended.


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