On Thu, Sep 04, 2003 at 10:12:06AM -0700, Douglas Phillipson wrote:
> I imported the gpg key and I can now install rpm's but I'm running AS 
> 3.0 Beta.  I didn't notice the version of up2date and rhn_register I was 
> installing was for AS 2.1 which is MUCH older.  Is there a version of 
> up2date with the ssl expiration problem fixed for AS 3.0 Beta?  Prior to 
>   "upgrading" up2date my version was up2date-3.9.12-1, after upgrading 
> it is up2date-3.1.46-1.

This should probably have been posted to the taroon-beta list...

You should be able to install your original up2date package, update just
the certificate, and then run up2date to get everthing current.

I don't have taroon running yet, but that's what I would do if it was

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program

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