On Saturday 06 September 2003 06:00 pm, Alex wrote:
> What's the corect installation procedure for java on rh9 so that I will be
> able to use the java pluging for mozilla and also to be able to run java
> applications?

If you don't need to compile/develop java program, you only need the runtime 
environment (JRE), otherwise get the Development kit (SDK). Download the 
latest one from here:

Install it either the RPM or self-extracting. Make sure you put the 'java' 
executable directory on your PATH env variable. 

Make a sym link from mozilla plugin directory to the java plugins directory 
(use the ns610 path). For example, in my system the filename would be:

but it depends on where you put the installation.

And of course, read Mozilla release note for your version to note any 

Hope that helps.


Reuben D. Budiardja
Department of Physics and Astronomy
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
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