On Sun, 2003-09-07 at 21:31, Tim Lamberth wrote:
> Did a new install of Redhat 9 and Postfix after the loss of my scsi drive
> and controller. When I run ntsysv to set Postfix to run at startup it is not
> listed. Any ideas as to why it would be missing in the list?

If there is an init script for postfix in /etc/rc.d/init.d/, you'll need
to enable it with "chkconfig --add postfix".  If I were you, I'd bypass
ntsysv and learn chkconfig.  It's actually quite easy.  Try out these
commands, then look at the manpage for chkconfig to see what is

chkconfig --list | more
chkconfig --list | grep -A30 'xinetd based services'
chkconfig --list postfix

Jason Dixon, RHCE
DixonGroup Consulting

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