> Subject: zip drives, and FAT32
> Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 15:11:05 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Chris Scheller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> two quick questions...first i missed the posts about
> mounting a fat32 drives. Is there a patch for 2.0.33
> for mounting fat32 drives? second, i have read the
> posts about zip drives. can a zip drive be mounted
> linux? if so a patch or what? thanx for help
> chris

I'll answer th4e second:
If you're using the "stock" RH5 kernel, or have the
low-level SCSI drivers (and ppa) compiled in as a 
module, type:

 insmod ppa
 mount -t msdos /dev/sda4 /mnt/zip

(assuming you mkdir /mnt/zip first).

You can automate this - see www.dejanews.com for 
how to do this.

BIG CAVEAT: ppa assumes the zip drive is on lp0.  
This works fine on my laptop, but not my desktop, 
which has three parallel ports, and I'm not smart
enough yet to reconfigure my printer and I'm not
motivated enough to recompile the ppa driver.

SECOND BIG CAVEAT: The ppa driver in the 2.0.32
kernel is DOG slow.  I copied a 43MB file 
(StarOffice 4.0) and it took 29 minutes.  Get the
newest driver (www.torque.net/~campbell),
which is incorporated in the newest kernels.

Good luck.

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