Security MS = bad, linux=good,
Access is not a Database Server, unlike SQL Server, mysql is.
All software you could want to use on linux is free, as is Linux, unless you
wish to purchase a set of CD's. MS is not.
Apache Vs IIS, no competition.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jason Tesser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Redhat List (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 1:05 PM
Subject: Should we stay with M$

I know this is only kind of related to this list but I think some of you
guys would be able to help me here.  I work at a College
which prior to me coming here 1.5 years ago had only one programmer.  He has
been here 7 years and is in my opinion
not much other than a M$ Office guru.  I am not the best either as most of
my applications and programs I write are web based.
I'm pretty good with php, mysql, other web languages and now I am really
trying to get involved with Python, which I love :-)
I also would like to convert myself to Linux.  Currently I still have a few
programs that I cannot get for Linux or even something

Anyways, my question is could someone send me info links or anything like
that that could aid me in explaining why Access
programming, if that is what you call it, and staying dependant to M$ for
that matter, would not be a good thing to persue for our future.  We are
having a tech meeting soon
where we will be discusing our future direction and I want to go into that
meeting with information and examples.  Thank you
for any help, links, or information you could feed me.

Jason Tesser
Web/Multimedia Programmer
Northland Baptist Bible College
(715)324-6900 ext. 3055

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