
I have Redhat 9 running as a NFS server for HPUX 10.20 clients. A couple problems 
arise I hope someone has some ideas on.

1. When file properties, such as protections, owner, & group, are changed from the 
client on a file located on the server, there is a significant delay for the change to 
appear in the 'ls -l' file listing. This does not happen when the HPUX clients are 
working with a HPUX server.

2. I 'cd' to a directory located on the server. I then 'su' to another user, either 
root or another user, I get the message 'can't change back' and the command fails. 
Again, this does not happen when the HPUX clients are working with a HPUX server.

3. I 'cd' to a directory located on the server. I then execute a simple script which 
runs in the ksh and I get the following.

        batman 60: ls -l go
        -rwxrwxrwx   1 john       users           37 Sep 11 08:15 go
        batman 58: cat go
        echo "Hello World!"
        batman 59: ./go
        /bin/ksh: ./go: cannot open

I believe the problem is related to this, although I don't understand it. When I am 
sitting in a directory located on the server and change to the ksh, my working 
directory switches to the root '/' directory. If I 'cd' back, the script runs alright. 
Again, this does not happen when the HPUX clients are working with a HPUX server.

The /etc/exports file looks like this.

        /    *(rw,sync,no_wdelay,no_subtree_check)

Any ideas or insights into what's going on here?


John Krautkramer

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