On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 09:08:17AM -0700, shishir patil wrote:
> I've installed rh 8.0 and have been running it for about 3 weeks now. 
> But I've been having this irritating problem with my cdrw drive. I can 
> access it as a cd-rom drive, but
> only for awhile. Sooner or later, after I remove a cd and place another 
> one in, it does not want to work anymore. The message says something 
> about a bad fs mount(I'm at work and this is my home machine, so I don't 
> have the specifics with me). I typcially shut down the machine and 
> reboot again. Most of the time this works (sometimes it
> doesn't). The grub.conf is sets up hdc as an ide-scsi. the fstab file 
> looks fine. Any thoughts?
You ARE unmounting it before opening the drive, aren't you?
In KDE (and I assume Gnome, too) you right-click on the cdrom icon on
your desktop, choose "eject" and it will be unmounted and ejected. Or
use the "umount" command if you're a command-line kind of guy. (note
there is no "n" between the "u" and the "m".)

---- Fred Smith -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----------------------------
                      The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, 
                    keeping watch on the wicked and the good.
----------------------------- Proverbs 15:3 (niv) -----------------------------

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