> Hi,
> I have been searching for an answer on this one, and hope that someone on
> this list can help out.  I support a large number of windows users, and
> the most part the crowd is either using outlook or eudora for their
> MUA.  No problems with that.  I have succeeded in setting up secure pop
> secure imap for the both of these user groups.
> The problem I have, is setting up STARTTLS for the Eudora users.  I want
> be able to offer secure sending of mail, and for all the fighting I have
> done, I can not get Eudora to play nicely with RH9.  I have done some
> digging, and realize that it's to do with the version of openssl that is
> used in this release of RedHat.  What I would like to know is, what's the
> best way to get these to entities to play with each other, in a secure
> way.  (I have the auth part setup and eudora is using the CRAM-MD5 method,
> but that alone, does not protect the email, just the name/password).

If you figure this out, please post a HOWTO or something, as this is the
last and only reason that I'm using Outlook Express.



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