On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 22:32:51 -0700 (PDT), Khademul Islam wrote:

> Now I have the folling in my crontab.
> 59 23 * * * sh /etc/cron.specialTest/ >> With this I
> got the error message (I thought it should run any
> executable located under the SpeicalTest folder >>
> /etc/cron.specialTest: /etc/cron.specialTest: is a
> directory

That would be:

  59 23 * * * run-parts /etc/cron.specialTest
> After I got the error message, I added the executable
> name, still it did not work. This is what I havein my
> crontab right now and still didn't work. (automail is
> the execuatable)
> 59 23 * * * sh /etc/cron.specialTest/automail

Look at the top of the automail script/program and verify
whether "sh" is the right interpreter. You could also make
automail executable and drop "sh" from the crontab line. 

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