Awesome, it worked.  Thanks for all your help here on redhat-list.  I
noticed that redhat ships sendmail with
FEATURE(`blacklist_recipients')dnl already turned on!

 - nick

-----Original Message-----
From: MKlinke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 8:30 AM
Subject: Re: sendmail blocking

On Monday 15 September 2003 09:53, Nick White wrote:
> Hi redhat-list,
> I have a quick sendmail question.  A server sits between our internal
> mail server, and the external world that acts as a mail receiver and
> relay box.  We do this using the mailertable file.  So any mail for
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] gets forwarded to the internal mail server.
> An employee has been gone for over a year now, and I am seeing TONS
> of crap keep coming through for him, and the server is sending back
> out NDRs for each failed attempt.
> How can I block messages that come through for him, discarding them
> silently without sending NDRs?
> Thanks!
>  - nick

Take a look at /usr/share/sendmail-cf/README

Search for "blacklist_recipients" and the anti-spam configuration 
control section of the document.

You'll need to enable:


and add your defunct user's email address to your access database.  
Something like:

defunct@        REJECT


defunct@  ERROR:blah-blah

Regards,  Mike Klinke

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