On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 08:03:03PM +0200, Sasa Stupar wrote:
> I have a question regarding the configuration of wu-ftp: I have it 
> working for guest and anonymous (I don't want to enable real unix). How 
> do I set up default permissions for upload (eg. 755) for guest? Now it 
> is set to 022.

I use upload clauses like so:
upload  /cust/*/*       *       no
upload  /cust/*/*       /pub/upload             yes * * 2770

This forces all uploads to go the upload folder and allows group access.
There are a bunch of examples in the man page for ftpaccess.  Also look
at the upload.configuration.HOWTO file which was installed as part of
the rpm.

You can also use the defumask statement to tweak the permissions.

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program

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