Title: Oldie but Goodie -- Anyone have a precompiled version of vncserver for sparc RH 6.2?

Good Morning All,

We have a need to install VNCserver on a sparcstation running Redhat v6.2.  Finding and installing was easy.  BUT --  when we run a viewer, what gets displayed on the viewer is a partial desktop (no icons/panels/buttons) with a shell window which appears backwards, and whose characters are unreadable -- almost as if they were a different font/character set...   So, searching the web, we found...

I've seen references to downloading     vnc-3_3_3r2_unixsrc.tgz   and applying the patch:        vnc_linux_sparc.patch.

I did the download, untar'd it, and attempted to apply the patch using the patch -p0 < vnc_linux_sparc.patch command, but it failed.  So I hand editted in the changes that I found in all the *.rej files.  After this handeditting, the  make World command worked a whole lot longer than when I tried to just do a make without first applying the patch. 

BUT -  Make still dies with errors at what is probably close to the end of the compiles.  It complains about "imake.o Error 1" and "imake.bootstrap Error 2".

Anyhow -- would anyone have a pointer to a pre-compiled version of vncserver that runs on sparcstation Redhat v6.2?

(Or perhaps tips on what else needs to be done to get past the make errors?  Or source code that compiles without a lot of hand edits?)

Thanks for the help in advance,

Robert Davis, OSCC
VMS/Unix Systems Administrator
SUNY Systems Administration
SUNY Plaza
Albany, NY  12246     USA

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