Title: Samba Question: Want to enable specific users from windows domain to access samba share.

Hi All,

I want to enable two users from our windows domain to access particular share from my samba server. I am new to linux ... please help me out.

I'd setup public share and configured samba long time before. It works fine. Now I want to create new share to give access to particular users. Here is how I did that.

·       I created a folder, lets say "folder" in my Linux box.
·       Change its permission to 0765.
·       The user names of the windows network are "14200" and "14210".
·       I tried # smbadduser 14200:My_name
·       It gives me error 14200 is not in PASSWD database SKIPPING...
·       Then I tried to create a user with # adduser 14200
·       It gives the error not a valid name. (It seems to me that Linux does not support only numeric characters in user name).

if this is right then what should I do in this case ??? How can I work around to overcome this problem....?

Please advice,

Thanks in advance,


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