On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 04:45:34PM -0700, Rhugga wrote:
> Jianping Zhu wrote:
> >I have a windows xp which has 120GB HDD. I have a redhat7.1 machine. I
> >want to using rsync to back up redhat to winxp, how can i do that?
> >
> >thnak
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> Create a directory on the windows system and share it. Mount the windows 
> share onto the Linux system. Now you can rsync.
> Here is how to mount a windows share:
> /bin/mount -t smbfs -o username=<windows username>,password=<windows 
> password> //<windows host>/<windows share>  /mnt/data
> Example:
> /bin/mount -t smbfs -o username=bgates,password=moron   
> //windoze/data    /mnt/data
> Here is how to rsync: (Note the are many options to rsync, these are 
> just the ones I use)
> rsync  -rvlopgtu /path/to/linux/data /mnt/data/
> Hope this helps,
> Chuck
When i do accoring to your instruction i got follow msg, what i goint
on here, how to fix this problem?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /root]# /bin/mount -t smbfs -o username=jzhu,
//blackduck/milo/test /mnt/data
Usage: mount -V                 : print version
       mount -h                 : print this help
       mount                    : list mounted filesystems
       mount -l                 : idem, including volume
    So far the informational part. Next the mounting.
    The command is `mount [-t fstype] something
     Details found in /etc/fstab may be omitted.
         mount -a                 : mount all stuff
    from /etc/fstab
           mount device             : mount
           device at the known place
          mount directory          :
          mount known device here
         mount -t type dev dir
         : ordinary mount
         Note that one does not
         really mount a device,
                 one mounts
        a filesystem (of the given type) found on
        the device.
        One can also mount an already visible directory tree
        elsewhere  mount --bind olddir newdir
        A device can be given by name,
        say /dev/hda1 or
        or by label,
        using  -L label
        or by uuid,
        sing  -U uuid .
      Other options:
        [-nfFrsvw] [-o
For many more
                details, say
                man 8 mount .

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