First thing, you have put out a great 'hardened' distribution with RedHat 9.
About 90% of the reasons why I used to recompile/relink various apps (for
ssl, krb, pam, ldap, etc.) are now eliminated because of your extra work.
Good job.

However, I have noticed (unless I'm mistaken) two glaring omissions/bugs.

Problem#1: Apache2 that you distribute doesn't seem to have apxs support
enabled. For this reason I needed to get apache src and rebuild. Not a
problem doing this, but for others it might be. Plus, given that production
sites will probably build from source anyways...why wasn't this included?

Problem#2: Your Samba distribution was linked against ssl libraries (ldd
shows this), yet for some reason all of the ssl params in smb.conf give
errors to effect of "ignoring unknown parameter"? The funny thing is when I
search for this message on google, I get mostly hits from Germany and

thanks again for all the hard work.

mike klein

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