On Fri, 19 Sep 2003 11:49:53 -0500
christopher j bottaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> the debian systems at my school have vim-6.1 but don't do syntax
> highlighting.  
> how do i get syntax highlighting like on my redhat-9 system at home?

Hi Christopher,

If the syntax highlighting files are installed but just not being used,
it might be as simple as typing:

:syntax enable

If they aren't installed or VIM has been compiled without syntax
highlighting support you'll have to do some reinstallation work.

The syntax files which describe what to highlight for each file type
are in $VIMRUNTIME/syntax which on redhat 9 is:


The online help for vim is really quite good.  When using vim

:help syntax

and you'll get oodles of info.

Good Luck,

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