-------- Original Message --------
Subject: moxa C502-ISA/35 with kernel 2.2.14 + CSU/DSU
From: "Dhanraj sheth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, September 20, 2003 3:17 pm
To: "redhat ppp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

hi all,
well i have some problem regarding redhat 6.2 kernel 2.2.14 + moxa
C502/ISA/35 with CSU/DSU .
i have installed the moxa C502-ISA/35 dual Sync Board on Redhat 6.2
drivers provided by moxa (www.moxa.com) now the card in the ifconfig
command show Up and v.35 cable is connect to modem and the board  (i.e
C502-ISA/35 is conneted to CSU/DSU by v.35)but on the CSU/DSU the TD dont
show the LED, and the RX packets all the time stays 0 and Tx packets get
incresed, and i dont get any packets at the another end where a CSU/DSU
is conected with zyxel router , i have checked modem /cable/ abd board
all the things are working but still on LEd on the CSU/DSU of TD . well i
need to know is there need to configure CSU/DSU on redhat6.2 if any then
how ?? as i an newbie to this stuff!! plus i have installed zebra routing
software on the redhat for routing
thanking you,

linux is Great !!!


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