Geoffrey Lane wrote:
> This is what I get on my log:
> # /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail start
> Starting sendmail: 451 4.0.0 /etc/mail/ line 91:
> fileclass: cannot open '/etc/mail/local-host-names': World writable
> directory 451 4.0.0 /etc/mail/ line 568: fileclass:
> cannot open '/etc/mail/trusted-users': World writable directory
>                                                  [FAILED] 

> what can I do to fix this? I'd appreciate the help cause I'm not sure
> what this means..
> Thanks for you time
> Freeballer

See: man sendmail

In particular where it states...

       sendmail often gets blamed for many problems that are
       actually the result of other problems, such as overly
       permissive modes on directories. For this reason, sendmail
       checks the modes on system directories and  files to
       determine if they can be trusted. Although these checks can
       be turned off and your system security reduced by setting the
       DontBlameSendmail option, the  permission problems should
       be fixed. For more information, see:

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