On Fri, Sep 19, 2003 at 11:03:24AM -1000, Marc Adler wrote:

> 2) use procmail to filter your messages to different mailboxes.

Nancy McGough has a very good procmail tutorial at the Infinite Ink
website (http://www.ii.com). She walks you through making a good
~/.procmailrc and making procmail recipies to sort your mail. Use her
templates and you'll be up and running in a few minutes.

You can even get statistics on which mail gets sorted into which folder
if you get cron (crontab -e) to call a script every night. Very
informative, especially if you're on as many mail lists as me.

1 0 * * * $HOME/bin/procmail_log.sh

# procmail_log.sh: mail the daily procmail stats to $USER

mailstat $HOME/.procmail/log|mail $USER -s "`date '+%a %d %b %Y'` mail log"

> 3) configure mutt to read those different mailboxes. (All you have to
> do, actually, is point mutt to, say, 'mbox' in your /Mail directory
> and then you can move around to any other mailbox or directory using
> the 'c' command.)

You can tell mutt about your different mailboxes by saving something
like the following to your ~/.muttrc

# Make sure mutt knows where your mail folder is
set folder=~/Mail 

# Tell me about mail in these mailboxes 
mailboxes ! +root +maillog +crypto-gram +kernel-traffic +debian-announce +debian-user 
+ipcop-user +sv24 +shell.scripting +redhat-list +annoyances

You can also tell bash about these mailboxes by adding a few lines to
your ~/.bash_profile

for i in `echo 
        export MAILPATH=$MAILPATH:$i
unset i

Anyway, I get about 300 email messages a day and they're very easy to
deal with since the mail basically sorts itself. And also because of
spamassassin, but that's a different story.

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