Mike Burger wrote:
If your server isn't behind a dedicated firewall machine, when you're on a dynamic IP, then you reap what you sow, in all fairness.

And just why is this?

And if you're on a dynamic IP, you'll have to worry about updating the DNS for every domain every time it changes.

No worries here. Automatic scripts take care of it.

So, the short answer is to make sure that your server is behind a firewall of some sort. Then, you assign a private IP address to the server, itself, and use that IP in your httpd.conf file.

To do this, he would need to set up routing to map all http requests on port 80 to go thru to the box on the inside of the network, etc. etc. etc. Extra work. Why not just run iptables on the box with the webserver, and block all requests save port 80 (and 443 if you're going to use SSL)?

However, the fact of the matter is that you can not use the wildcard * for each of the virtual domains.

This is wrong. You CANNOT use the wildcard for MULTIPLE SSL virtual domains, but you can for non-SSL virtuals.

That's exactly how I do it.

If you're not using SSL, you're creating extra work for yourself. Below is a portion of my httpd.conf...using wildcards for all of my virtuals. Ping the domains if you wish, and you'll see that they're all the same IP, which is dynamic.

# Localhost
<VirtualHost *>
        ServerName jnichel.gotdns.org
        ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /webserver/vhosts/localhost/cgi-bin/
        ServerAdmin *****REMOVED FOR ANTI SPAM REASONS*****
        DocumentRoot /webserver/vhosts/localhost/docs
        ErrorLog logs/localhost-error_log
        CustomLog logs/localhost-access_log common
        <Directory "/webserver/vhosts/localhost/docs">
                AllowOverride All

# By-Tor.com
<VirtualHost *>
        ServerName www.by-tor.com
        ServerAlias *.by-tor.com
        ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /webserver/vhosts/by-tor.com/cgi-bin/
        ServerAdmin *****REMOVED FOR ANTI SPAM REASONS*****
        DocumentRoot /webserver/vhosts/by-tor.com/docs
        ErrorLog logs/by-tor.com-error_log
        CustomLog logs/by-tor.com-access_log common

# denise.nichel.net
<VirtualHost *>
        ServerName denise.nichel.net
        ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /webserver/vhosts/denise.nichel.net/cgi-bin/
        ServerAdmin *****REMOVED FOR ANTI SPAM REASONS*****
        DocumentRoot /webserver/vhosts/denise.nichel.net/docs
        ErrorLog logs/denise.nichel.net-error_log
        CustomLog logs/denise.nichel.net-access_log common

# Nichel.net
<VirtualHost *>
        ServerName www.nichel.net
        ServerAlias nichel.net
        ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /webserver/vhosts/nichel.net/cgi-bin/
        ServerAdmin *****REMOVED FOR ANTI SPAM REASONS*****
        DocumentRoot /webserver/vhosts/nichel.net/docs
        ErrorLog logs/nichel.net-error_log
        CustomLog logs/nichel.net-access_log common

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