Ed Wilts wrote:
> Red Hat has never supported upgrades from a production release to a
> beta nor from a beta to production.  I believe that many people have
> made it work, but it's officially unsupported.  

You know, that was a REALLY stupid question.  I had a "DOH!" moment
after sending this one.
> The general trend seems to be that redhat-list is for discussions
> that are not distribution specific.  For example, a bug in shrike
> wouldn't make sense here but more likely should be posted to the
> shrike list. This will either go away on its own due to lack of
> activity, or if discussion continues, then Red Hat will probably keep
> it around.  It's up to all of us to decide that.   

I expected as much, I just wanted to see what the word on the street
was.  All in all, I don't think there'll be much in the way of change
for those of us who don't require the paid product.  I'd love to get the
AS version for our web server just for the support since I'm the only
support for linux in my organization.  But being a County school system
money for that isn't very likely.  I still don't get the 'let's pay tons
to MS for their crap, but that's too much for a web server' mentality.

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