On Vi, 2003-09-26 at 22:32, Reuben D. Budiardja wrote:
> I have to wait until the next time the cron 
> run and check my e-mail before I know anything.
edit the cron to run on it on the next minute, don't put any other

Don't know the solution but
* trim the script only to a few instructions
* is "php -i" from cron the same as php -i from shell?
* try making a bash script, set the variables there and run php from
there. Run this with a new test user (should work) and from cron
* I had a weird problem with sybase & cron, it wouldn't run properly as
sybase user, but it would work from root's cron ran as
su - sybase -c '...'

Let me know if you find the problem, made me curious. 

Wishing we would all use posgresql,
Marius Andreiana
LOAD - Linux Open Alternative Days
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