Hi all!
I am in dire straits here.  I need to remove one fs and expand another.  I
unmounted the unwanted fs and removed the fs in parted.  I then went to
increase the size of the other fs.  I could not do this while the fs was
mounted.  When I exited parted, I got a message saying there was a problem
with fstab (I think) and that I should reboot.  When I reboot it gets stuck
on the missing fs.  I have tried to remove it from fstab, which doesn't
work.  I cannot recall where fstab is built.  I need to remove this file
system.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


David Langschied
Langschied Consulting Services
25644 Mackinac
Roseville, MI 48066

Phone:  (586)777-7542
Cell:      (248)789-8493

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