I hope someone can help me with this, I've been working on this for
awhile and looking for help in a few other venues:

I've been trying to move my Linux installation from one drive to
another, to no avail.  Finally, last night, I decided what the heck, I'm
gonna just do a complete reinstall.  Here's how everything is situated
at the moment:

/dev/hda is a Maxtor 20GB on the first EIDE Channel
/dev/hda1 = / , 19.5GB (First installation)
/dev/hda2 = swap, 512MB (First intallation)

/dev/hde is a Western Digital 120GB UltraATA100 on the first UATA100
/dev/hde1 = /boot , 10MB (for other installation)
/dev/hde2 = [windows partition] (35GB)
/dev/hde3 = / , ~85GB (for other installation)
/dev/hde4 = swap, 512MB (for other installation)

/dev/hde is an UltraATA100 drive on the UltraATA100 channel.

/dev/hde1 is /boot, and small, since I wanted both Windows and
Linux to have boot info within the first 1024 cylinders to keep
everyone happy, no weird workarounds.

Initially, I had just set up /dev/hde like /dev/hda, with a third
partition for windows at the end.  I had copied everything from
/dev/hda1 to /dev/hde1, chroot'ed to /dev/hde1, and did a 'grub-install
/dev/hde1'.  I got an error there, saying that '/dev/hde does not have
any corresponding BIOS drive.'  Anyhow, when I re-installed onto
/dev/hde, I asked the installer to install grub into the master boot
record and at the beginning of /dev/hde to make sure it would still work
after windows was installed.  Then I put the UltraATA100 bus before the
EIDE bus in the boot order in BIOS.  Rebooting, all I got was the
regular BIOS messages, then instead of going into the boot loader, at
the bottom of the screen after all the info I got a gray-on-black 'GRUB
-' and the computer just froze there.  Any idea what gives?  Do boot
loaders not install on UltraATA drives, or just this drive or what?  I
can't seem to find any information....

I have been working with a friend who knows quite a bit more than I do
on this for awhile, but we haven't got anything working quite
correctly.  I think I can fix it by installing GRUB on /dev/hda1, but
eventually I want to format it as FAT32 or something and make it a
common drive between Linux and Windows...would it have to contain a
grub.conf or could I get GRUB installed on its MBR and reference the
grub.conf on /dev/hde1, or would that not work?

Thanks for any help, and if any more information is needed please let me
know.  I'm dying to sort this all out.  Oh and as for motivation for
doing this at all--I am hoping to eke out a bit more speed in swap space
usage, as well as boot time, from the new drive.


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