On Sun, 28 Sep 2003 21:40:20 -0500, Ed Wilts wrote
> On Sun, Sep 28, 2003 at 08:31:41PM -0500, Mike Vanecek wrote:
> > I am trying to plan for what action will need to be done due to the
> > demise of RHL. Some have suggested that Fedora will be a logical
> > replacement. Others have said that yum/apt might be used in place of
> > up2date. Still others have suggested that redhat network will be
> > migrated to Fedora.
> up2date supports Fedora today. RHN will not be "migrated to Fedora" -
> that statement doesn't make sense.  RHN will support multiple releases.
> It supports releases at least as far back as 6.2 today, even though 
> no new security updates have been issued since the end of March (and 
> there are issues with the latest certificates on 6.2).  Still, today,
>  RHN suports at least 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 8.0, 9, Fedora, AS2.1, and Taroon.
> Multiply that by the large number of architectures also supported for
> AS2.1 and Taroon, and you've got quite a few combinations.

Thank you, my mistake. I had been paid subscriber to RHN for a long time and
did not realize it supported other than RH releases.

> > I need a stable 12-18 month release supported by something like
> > up2date. It use will not be in a production environment, but it is not
> > intended to be bleeding edge either.
> > 
> > Some have suggested that we wait to see what develops. The exchange,
> > however, seemed to imply that waiting might not be a good strategy.
> Waiting is a good strategy.  There will be a release that should address
> your needs.  Be patient.  I do not know when the announcement will be
> forthcoming, and I'm hoping that some details will be released soon
> (like within a week).

Good, thank you. I guess I was a bit tired and overwhelmed by the changes and
how they will impact my activities over the next 18 months. Hit the panic
button a little too soon.

Your comments are consistent with the follow-up message by Jef Spaleta


BTW, Jef was a bit miffed about my cross-posting to two other groups about
this issue. It was not my intent to offend anyone, as can be read at 


Michael Schwendt also added some insight to the discussion.


Thanks to all for your patience.

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