
I am trying to hack together some new modules into the initrd.img
on the Redhat 7.2 network boot disks, which has the 2.4.7-10BOOT
kernel. This is a stock 7.2 system with no patches(yeah I know..),
I take the kernel source off the CD, change the makefile so the
signature is 2.4.7-10BOOT instead of 2.4.7-10custom, and build the
modules, but when they load I get a screenfull of unresolved
symbols. So the kernel is still pretty different from whats on the
floppy. I have searched high and low and sofar have not been able
to find the kernel .config that redhat uses for this particular

Also it would be nice if I could make a linuxrc script for the initrd.img
to execute some things before the installer loads but when I tried
that(by making a linuxrc executable and then on the last line have
it call /sbin/init) the installer just hangs forever until I make
linuxrc a symlink to /sbin/init again. The main reason for all this
is to use more up to date drivers for the HP DL360 G2 and G3 systems,
the default drivers in redhat 7.2 either do not exist or are not
compatible. I have newer drivers that build/load/work fine on the
2.4.17-10SMP kernel (which is booted after the initial installer is
completed), but would like them available earlier in the installation

Also, somewhat related does anyone know of documentation that talks
about how to build a driver disk? stuff like finding the information
for the pcitable file, any special options to build the modules
themselves etc. Through trial and error I managed to figure out
how to extract the images and drivers, rebuild the modules.cgz file
with the new drivers and re-insert them into the boot image, but
the unresolved symbols is still an issue as the drivers won't load.

The exception is if I extract the bcm5700.o (Broadcom ethernet)
driver from the Broadcom redhat 7.2 driver disk and integrate that
into the redhat network boot image, that driver loads fine and
works *ok* on the 360G2(though I do need to install an updated driver
otherwise the driver will fail within hours). the 360G3 is another
story, the bcm5700 driver on the broadcom driver disk(someone else
got it, not sure who or where from, probably from HP ?) works fine
for the inital installation but once the system reboots into the
2.4.7-10SMP kernel the driver in that does not work with the
360G3 and the system has no network connectivity. a workaround is
to manually copy my precompiled bcm5700.o driver to the system and
it works fine after that.

so main questions -

- anyone know where I can find the config that redhat used for
the 2.4.7-10BOOT kernel?
- anyone know where I can find documentation on how to build a custom
driver disk ?
- using dd, if I make a new blank image, a 2.88MB image (count=2880
bs=1024), and take the first block from the existing image and put
that in the new image would that make it bootable? As in make a 2.88MB
bootable image but make it bootable somehow without needing a 2.88MB
floppy(I intend to burn the image onto an el torito bootable CD) that
way I can load many more drivers onto the CD.

something like

losetup /dev/loop0 /tmp/original-redhat-image.img
losetup /dev/loop1 /tmp/my-new-2.88mb-image.img

dd if=/dev/loop0 of=/dev/loop1 count=1

(this is all new territory for me :/ )

thanks in advance and if theres a better list to send this kind of
question to please let me know!


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