On Thu, 2003-10-02 at 17:53, James D. Parra wrote:
> Thanks, Bret.
> Output of access.log;
> - - [02/Oct/2003:15:02:41 -0700] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 403 410 "-"
> "Opera/7.20 (Windows NT 5.1; U)  [en]"
> Output of error.log;
> [Thu Oct 02 15:03:05 2003] [crit] [client] (13)Permission
> denied: /var/www/html/ddd/.htaccess pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess
> file, ensure it is readable
> ...And I see that answer is the '.htaccess' file is not readable. But there
> is NO .htaccess file in this directory. I am using Webmin to configure this
> site. 

Are you trying to restrict access to this dir?

> >From a module within Webmin, I edited the directives as such;
> ServerName www.domainname.com
> DocumentRoot /var/www/html/ddd
> ServerAlias ddd
> ServerPath /var/www/html/ddd
> What should I put in the .htaccess file?
> Oddly, there is no virtual server portion in the httpd2.conf file. Although
> Webmin should have, it appears Webmin didn't add the virtual server entry to
> the file. What is the proper syntax so I can edit it manually?

standard rpm installs of apache use the conf file in
/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf  is that the one you are looking in?

I have never had a problem with webmin doing what I wanted it to do.
sounds like there is something else going on.

For name based Vhosts you need a line in there like this:

NameVirtualHost ipaddressto.listen.to

<VirtualHost ipaddressfrom.above>
    DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/ddd"
    ServerName "www.domainname.com:80"
    ServerAlias "domain.com"


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