
One moment I am committing happily via cvs and then next I can't and the shell never returns -- (using cvs1.11.2-10
ssh 3.5p1-11)

It doesn't matter which file I try either, it happens with them all now. Every thing was fine until I tried $cvs add -kb -m "screen shot for filter tag" filter_tag_example.png
and then
$ cvs commit filter_tag_example.png
[the first line may be in error - maybe the add can't take a -m arguement, sometimes I make that mistake but never before has it refused to commit when I tried it again using proper syntax, but then again it's a newer version of ssh)

Here is the error I get for whatever I try to commit now. Checkout and update still work fine.

CVS: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CVS: Enter Log. Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically CVS: CVS: Committing in . CVS: CVS: Modified Files: CVS: Query_Support.xml CVS: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "/tmp/cvs7ppK6k" 9L, 303C Shawn

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