On Sat, Oct 04, 2003 at 05:49:46PM -0500, Jeff Wimmer wrote:
> Gnome and KDE look
> SO amatureish and unprofessional.  Even XFCE which looked a lot like CDE has
> started to look like Gnome.  CDE is the most professional desktop I've seen
> on linux,

Ahem. You *are* aware that this is only personal preference? I for one
*hate* CDE (and avoided XFCE for that very reason up until now) - it's
the clunkiest and ugliest of the more advanced desktops there is - in
*my* opinion. I think most ex-Windowers will run away screeming when
CDE is thrusted upon them... :-) (OTOH, most Windowers will run away
screeming as soon as they see *anything* that doesn't look like
Windows, which is probably the main reason KDE and Gnome move that
way, for better or worse...)

But then again, it's very easy to use another desktop, fortunately.


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