Can any one please tell me is the Mysql server package is included in the RH9 when apache server is installed and run.

I am using RH9 and not almost a newbee to linux OS systems and trying to learn it. I have setup and run the Apache server. Ineeded the MySql server as well. I could not find mysqladmin commands anywhere in my system so i downloaded the rpms MySQL-server-4.0.15-0.i386.rpm and MySQL-shared-compat-4.0.15-0.i386.rpm and installed with the command rpm -U <rpms> even after installing the I can't find these commands to manage MySql. Now I tried to rpm -e <rpm> wihich complains about some dependency problems.

Can anyone please help me to sort this out as I am not very good on linux.

Parminder Singh Chauhan

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