On Mon, 2003-10-06 at 16:43, Jeff Kinz wrote:
> Quick solution:
> here=`pwd`
>      for i in $*; do
>        absolutename="/${i}"

 I take it you mean

absolutename="${here}/${i}" ?

This still has one problem: we have to treat deletions with absolute
pathnames.. there should be a command or something: `fullname`.. :)

>          dn=`dirname $i`
>          bn=`basename $i`
>          name=$dn/$bn
>          echo $absolutename >> ~/.trashdb;
>      done
>      mv -i $* ~/.Trash;
> You still have the massive probleme of files that all posses the same 
> basename even though they came from different directories.

  Yeah.. it would be kind of boring to treat that. At least you'll know
with -i.

> Best bet - append the file being "trashed" to an existing gzipped tar
> archive. This way the full pathname can be saved with each file nad each
> file can besaved mutiple times in the archive.  To save pain at a later
> date you can prepend each pathname with a "date_and_timestamp" making
> it easier to name each version of the same file uniquely and allow
> each one to be manipulated individually.

  That sounds pretty good.. 

  I wonder if it would be easy to pull this functionality out of
nautilus to the command line, since it implements it reasonably well.
Should be for anyone involved with it.

Herculano de Lima Einloft Neto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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