On Mon, 2003-10-06 at 11:30, YoloIts wrote:
> I have 4 Red Hat Linux servers that I want to backup.  I have a Sony DDS-3
> tape drive.
> I am looking for backup software that I can use to backup all the servers.
> I would like to get a package that has a GUI interface.  I have found
> packages on the web but I wanted to get your input and ideas.
> Any suggestions on what I should use?
> Thanks,
> Jay

I like and use BRU and BackupEdge (Microlite).  Both work well and have
good recovery tools.  Edge works well with tape libraries while the
varient of BRU I have doesn't.  Neither of my packages are the lastest
available, so I'm sure the both have advanced some.



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