Check out
and pay attention to EAGAIN and O_NONBLOCK.


On Wed, 8 Oct 2003, Iulian Musat wrote:

> Thanks.
> I think select/poll is more appropriate when you deal with more than one
> file descriptor at a time (ex. a server watching couples of sockets).
> My problem is very simple:
> - read data from a file
> - process data (CPU intensive)
> - write data.
> The processing part and the IO takes comparable times. All I'm trying to
> do is to use two buffers, and while one is loaded/saved to disk, the
> other get processed (in theory the CPU should be free, since the disk
> transfer is done using DMA).
> Nothing new here, I just wanted to have a cleaner code - using only the
> POSIX standard if possible and not messing with any multithreading
> library just for this (at least not calling it directly from my code).
> -iulian
> Jonathan Bartlett wrote:
> > Or just use select/poll
> >
> > As far as I'm aware, kernel-level AIO is only in Enterprise Red hat.
> > There may be some libraries that simulate it with threads, however.
> >
> > Jon
> >
> > On Wed, 8 Oct 2003, Iulian Musat wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Hello everybody !
> >>
> >>I have a project where I/O operations are going to take a significant
> >>amount of time, and I think that I could use asynchronous I/O to gain
> >>some CPU cycles while a read/write operation is on progress.
> >>
> >>It will be grate if anyone can point me to some documentation about AIO
> >>on Linux? Does anyone know if this is working with the default kernel
> >>that comes with Redhat 8+ ?
> >>
> >>Cheers,
> >>-Iulian
> >>
> >>
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