On Thursday 09 October 2003 09:10 am, Salvador Santander wrote:
> Hello, list. I've installed tomcat as apache module and I test it. I've got
> that system serves jsp files, but I can't get that serves servlets unless I
> put in httpd.conf: "JKMount /* ajp13 "( apache redirects all to tomcat
> module ). When the tomcat is alone( in port 8080 ) the url
> http://...../opencms/index.html ( it's a servlet application that find the
> url in a virtual file system on a data base ) works well, but with tomcat
> module + apache doesn`t, beacuse apache tells all the times:
> "http://...../opencms/index.html " doesn't exist ( I think apache find it
> in the file system instead of send the request to tomcat ). Help!!!
> Thanks.

Instead of redirecting all traffic to tomcat:

        JKMount /* ajp13

just redirect the traffic for your servlet:

        JKMount /myservlet/* ajp13


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